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You see in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+30Posted:2017-02-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: houserouseno useoustmousedousejoyousspouse
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241. She knew a lot about horse breeding too, you see, and said I was right.
242. Hermione Granger : Didn't you see what it was standing on?
243. Lay off, can't you? Can you see he's had enough?
244. The following are selected reference materials MBA NTU, you see.
245. A. Whoa! Did you see me catch some air off that mogul?
246. It's only in those limpid eyes of hers that you see she's been through a lot.
247. Leo : Hi , Lucy. Did you see Liuxiang's hurdle race?
248. And can you see that man there who's walking with his chest jutting out?
249. As you see, you truly do have a four - star lineup here.
250. Did you see the knockout punch on TV last night?
251. You see, Holiness is to permeate all read of life.
252. So you see people who are either plug - in, or a system error!
253. What you see on Television now is a Henson produced Muppet voiced by Frank Oz.
254. You see, the Ku Klux Klan hates blacks, Jews, and Catholics,( in that order.
255. Did you see anyone who got off with a black hag?
256. What can you see when there is a gentle wind?
257. You're never afraid of a challenge and you see beauty even in the most inhospitable environments.
258. Judy Garland: Oh, for God sakes, Liza, can't you see Mama's busy?
259. You see many more stars and objects that are concealed by the earth's luminescence.
260. Black boy's mother: Hush up! You see what you've done?
261. What can you see when there is a gentle breeze?
262. How many bottles of milk can you see on the table?
263. Not the exotic back - stabbers and dabblers in high finance you see depicted on TV.
264. They help you see past the clouds on a glooming dayabundance day.
265. Do you see this gray area around the root of this tooth?
266. You see ,( inferiority complex is the same as arrogance: they are both expressions of unbelief.
267. There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.
268. But do you see a prefix, suffix, or root that you know?
269. Well, if you see him, tell him to pack his bags. We are going to Minsk.
270. He was very surprisde. Did you see it on you television news?
More similar words: houserouseno useoustmousedousejoyousspouseblousepiousarousecousinfamousoustercallousodiousonerousespousebiliousraucousriotousheinousfibrousrousingarduoushideousperilousfatuousenviousdubious
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